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The Health & Safety of everyone involved in LS18 Rocks – participants, staff and volunteers and audiences – is a primary concern for us. Our statement sets out our commitment to provide a safe and healthy environment, in which everyone can enjoy our activities.
To these ends LS18 Rocks undertakes to:

  • Provide adequate control of Health & Safety risks arising from teaching, rehearsing, performing and social activities both on- and off-site.
  • Perform thorough risk assessments and inspections appropriate to the above, including fire assessment.
  • Provide and maintain safe musical and other equipment, including PAT testing of all electrical equipment.
  • Maintain a safe working environment and prevent accidents or ill health relating to LS18 Rocks activities.
  • Ensure all staff and volunteers are familiar with Emergency Evacuation procedures for the premises, and that these procedures are prominently displayed on-site.
  • Implement practices in adherence to HSE’s The Control of Noise at Work Regulations
  • Noise levels will be kept well within prescribed limits during all teaching and rehearsals. If necessary, at external events, occasional higher levels will be mitigated eg with hearing protection or use of electronic drum kit.
  • Ensure safe storage of equipment when not in use.
  • Ensure any hazardous substances or dangerous equipment, including any bladed items, are kept in a locked space when not in use.
  • Provide any necessary information, instruction and supervision relating to activities or equipment.
  • Ensure all participants, staff and volunteers are competent to do their tasks, including adequate training where appropriate.
  • Ensure that a suitable First Aid kit is available at all times, both on- and off-site.
  • Ensure all staff and volunteers have any appropriate checks and clearances in place.
  • Ensure appropriate adult to child ratios to ensure the health and safety of all children and young people are implemented, as follows:

Group activities
Primary aged children: min 2 adults (staff or volunteers) at all times for up to 10 children, with incremental increases as appropriate for more than 10 children.
Secondary aged children: min 1 adult at all times with up to 8 children (although there will usually be – and we endeavour to ensure – 2 adults), with incremental
increases as above.

Individual tuition: min 2 adults on-site at all times. If this is not possible for any reason, a parent or carer will be asked to stay on-site with their child.

In addition: LS18 Rocks will endeavour to ensure a qualified First Aider is present at all activities but cannot undertake to guarantee this. A list of qualified First Aiders and their contact numbers is displayed on-site.

Any incidents must be recorded by staff present in an Accident Book, kept with the first aid kit.

In the event of a child having an accident whilst with LS18 Rocks, staff will make the child’s parent/carer aware at the earliest opportunity, either in person or by phone.

Smoking is strictly prohibited at any LS18 Rocks activity.

LS18Rocks Ltd

Company registered in England and Wales 14618824